Sunday, July 24, 2011

Boys will be Boys

The boys took over Bouncing Off the Wall last Tuesday! We had customers peeking into the camp room wondering if we had some sort of demolition or construction project going on... hammers were swinging, sweat was flying, boys were being BOYS! It was great to see all of them so engaged in our activities (and there were lots of them!)

We started off with a marble maze construction project. The boys got to take a 12"x12" piece of plywood and create a checkerboard colored pattern on it for the background of their maze. After that, they hammered nails at all the + junctions so they could attach rubber bands around their board to create the pathways for their marbles. The coolest part was getting to try out the maze and re-make it after they'd completed one. The boys passed around their boards so others could 'TRY THIS ONE!!"

The other construction project we worked on was string art. The boys L-O-V-E-D this one! They took a 8" square board and hammered tack nails around it in a clock pattern. Once they were sturdy, they got to choose 2 colors of embroidery string and create cool designs as they strung it around their nails. They used 24' of string so you can imagine what a task that was!

We also made wood dough (sort of like play dough but with saw dust and laundry starch), wood burned door hangers and rubber band balls.

This is a camp not to be missed by boys!

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